Whatcom Baseball Club relies on the support of individuals and businesses like you to provide a high-quality baseball program for the youth and families of our community. We could not do it without our sponsors!
The sponsorship program helps our league cover each season’s expenses such as field rental, baseball equipment, and other necessities. For those that have contributed previously, we thank you for your continued support. To new sponsors, we encourage your participation.
To be a WBC sponsor, please e-mail [email protected]. for a form to complete. We offer a variety of sponsorship tiers from which you may choose. Unless otherwise noted, all sponsorships run the calendar year and can be renewed after December 31.
GRAND SLAM – Primary Club Sponsor, (one available) $5000
• Your company name/logo will be displayed on the jerseys of the AAA legion baseball team. Your information will receive prime sponsorship positioning on the homepage of our website (with hyperlink). You will also receive a WBC jacket, hat and decal.
HOME RUN – Secondary Sponsor (two available) $2,500
• Your company name/logo will be displayed on the jerseys of the AA or A legion baseball team. Your company name/logo will also be displayed on the homepage of our website (with hyperlink). You will also receive a WBC jacket, hat and decal.
TRIPLE – (two available) $1,000
• Your company name/logo will be displayed on the jerseys of the PONY baseball team. Your company name/logo will also be displayed on the sponsorship page of our website. You will also receive a WBC jacket, hat and decal.
DOUBLE- (no limit) $400
• Your company name/logo will be displayed on the sponsorship page of our website. You will also receive a WBC hat and decal.
SINGLE- (no limit) $100+
• You will receive a WBC hat and decal.
Whatcom Baseball Club is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations and sponsorships are tax-deductible.